Bad cat viral disease? FELINE LEUKEMIA (FELV)


Feline leukemia viral disease (FeLV) is one of common viral diseases of cats.

How Feline leukemia viral infection spreads?

This virus mainly spread through contact with infected cat, specifically saliva of infected cats is the main source of infection, Thus, when infected cat introduced into healthy cat(s), this virus can spread to healthy cats through sharing food and water dishes/litter boxes, grooming, sha bite wounds. Infected moms can spread the virus to kittens via placenta or nursing. Thus it is important to screen for this viral disease while adopting a kitten in order to better prepared for the giving proper care to kittens.

Signs of feline leukemia viral disease:

FeLV causes variable non-specific variable signs. Weight loss, cancer, non-responding diarrhea, fever, cough and neurological signs.

How to diagnose feline leukemia viral disease

 Veterinary hospitals usually perform in house feline triple snap test to detect viral infection. If test shows positive, PCR assay developed by IDEXX can be used to determine stage of infection (Progressive, regressive).

FeLV stagesOutcome
Abortive infectionPatient immune system fight back and eliminate the virus
Progressive infectionVirus spreads within the body and patient develops FeLV associated diseases
Regressive infectionPatient immune system fight back the viral infection but No elimination of virus.
Stages of FeLV infection


No effective treatment available at this time. Only supportive care to alleviate the symptoms.


Vaccine is available to prevent this disease. 

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